Dr. Adizes Honored in Belgrade and Makes Headlines in Moscow
In recognition of his life’s work, the University of Belgrade, Serbia, awarded Dr. Adizes an honorary doctorate. This is Dr.Adizes’ twentieth honorary doctorate. Dr. Adizes also delivered an enlightening speech to a sold-out crowd of over five hundred people at FON University, Belgrade.
On March 27, Dr. Adizes presented a six-hour master class at Best Business Ideas (BBI) Club in Moscow to over fourteen hundred business professionals in Moscow, Russia.
Dr. Adizes was also interviewed on Russian TV by Oksana Boyko to discuss the current state of US politics following the Mueller investigation.
Upcoming events in April and May include the following:
April 16 in Kiev, Ukraine: A six-hour master class for CEOs on how to manage in times of crisis and benefit from the process.
April 28 in Tel Aviv, Israel: A presentation to venture capital fund managers on how to evaluate the quality of management in a startup and why startups fail and what to do about it. The event is hosted by DNAtix, a start-up that merges genomics and blockchain technologies (www.dnatix.com). DNAtix recently won first place in Tel Aviv’s prestigious 133 Startup Battle (https://battle.startup.network/events/385098/).
May 16–25 in China: Dr. Adizes will end his world tour with a visit to China where his books are best-sellers. He will be hosted by KNX Human Resources (http://www.knx.com.cn/), a China-based talent management services organization that has arranged several lecture opportunities as well as meetings with some of their top-tier clients in both Beijing and Shanghai.
May 28 & 30 in Sydney & Melbourne, Australia: Confirmed. Tickets are available at adizesconvention.com.au